Regional Management & Support Services

With Size and Scale Comes Support

The kind of growth that Dimond has experienced requires an extensive support system. We endeavor to alleviate much of the administrative burden for agencies who partner with us by supporting them with the Regional Management and Support Services below.

Regional Management

Dimond Bros. is divided into regions, each with a dedicated manager responsible for supporting the offices in their region by:

  • Providing sales direction as well as tracking production for sales executives
  • Acting as a liaison between the sales offices and Executive Management
  • Managing office personnel/HR concerns
  • Performing overall management of the agencies in their region

Support Services

We know the power of a great team. Our goal is to provide best-in-class support services to alleviate much of the administrative burden for agencies who partner with us by supporting you with dedicated teams to handle:

  • Accounting
  • Contracts & Licensing
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Marketing & Advertising
  • Training & Development